After two full days of inspiring keynotes, insightful roundtables, tasty live cooking shows and the never ending one-to-one meetings, you feel part of the community and you just can’t stop thinking “where will we meet next time?”

And the answer is: everywhere. Because FoodHack is a global community with chapters dedicated to climate and foodtech all around the globe, organizing events bringing together people that are truly changing the world.

HackSummit 2024 in Numbers

– 1,000+ Founders, Funders and Operators from 41 countries
– 15 official side events (as well as numerous secret ones)
– 4,508 1:1 meetings took place via the networking app
– 10,821 chat messages exchanged to plan meetings
– 3,000 reusable cups of coffee-free coffee poured
– 20 food and drink partners to keep us fuelled up
– 60-strong startup fair showcasing what’s next
– 6,000 vegetable crates to build the summit

Pitch Competition Finals

Across the 2 days we celebrated rising talents in live pitch competitions where Foreverland Food was crowned winner of the FoodTech World Cup and Mozaic Earth lifted the NatureTech Challenge Trophy.

New York Summit + Lausanne 2025

This year big news is a new summit but across the ocean, in New York, dedicated to DeepTech tecnologies:

While the European edtion goes back to the month of May as in the beginning bringing lots of excitment to 2025 calendars:

In the meantime all the chapters meet ups are ongoing, both for the FoodHack and ClimateHack communities, don’t miss